Reprise/Return: Protesting defense tips
Amazon sells martial arts supplies, including a Kick pad that is essentially a thick shield, good for stopping rubber and bean bag rounds. Goggles are...
On The Third Path in Sports
Today, as I start writing this, the world governing body for swimming as a competitive sport, announced a decision and set of rules that essentially...
On P.r.i.d.e.
Pride month is about celebrating the awesomeness that is being all the varied forms of different often included in a massive collection of letters in...
On Grief as a devil
Grief is a devil.With long sharp claws and a wild barbed tail.Hidden and unseenTraveling with youPreying on the momentsWhen you have a respiteWith flashes of...
On things not changing
How I know we aren’t going to change anything: The able bodied among us haven’t gathered in thousands at the local offices of politicians...
On The Default Is Transphobia
Transphobia is the default. That is, the anxiety about, aversion regarding, animus towards, and apathy to getting involved with trans people, the needs of trans people,...
On Protesting For Your Rights
Amazon sells martial arts supplies, including a Kick pad that is essentially a thick shield, good for stopping rubber and bean bag rounds. Goggles are...
On Tweets, Musk, and FIIK
On the perfect Date, Musk buys twitter and the far right is ecstatic, thinking that not only will libs flee twitter but that Trump will...
I Must Ask
I must ask. What has America done for my peoples? My Black and Native and Trans and Bisexual peoples? What good has it brought...
On Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
Recently, a lot of effort has gone into the creation of a series of laws that the more disingenuous of folks are trying to portray...
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