On the Grinding while we Shift the Gears
It is time. The Pretendent has managed to wall himself off from criticism while also hunkering down and figuring out what the hell it is he inherited since it appears it wasn’t a kingship, if the rumor mills about him throwing tantrums are true (and we know they are, if history has anything to say about it).
The time has come to shift gears from the “hoping they will impeach him” and the “Hoping he will man up” and the “hoping he will die from an apoplectic heart attack seeing the millions marching against him” over to the “well, its gonna be a while”.
That doesn’t mean we stop protesting. It will happen — such is inevitable, I am sad to say.
It does not mean that we stop calling — we can do that while on our daily commute or our working out in the gym or waiting in line to get tickets to “Hamilton”.
It does mean we have to start shifting down, if you will excuse the car terms from a woman who is often insulted by calling her a transmission, and set this whole thing into a steady, ongoing, rumbly effort as we lumber uphill towards the 2018 mid-terms.
No one beats Liberals at organizing. No one. It is the historical strength of the free — the reason we have a freedom of association and a freedom of speech that are rather broad and potent.
But we do have to start the pacing of ourselves — not the compromising that will be done in the halls in DC, but the more scheduled, methodical, and powerful forms of protest and determined resistance that allow us to still have the energy come Spring of 2018.
Its only about 18 months. Hell, a lot more than half of us have carried, delivered, and nursed a baby in less time — and that’s *way* harder.
One of the more intersting things we can do – besides the invaluable advice in the Indivisible Guide, is to make forays into the dark space of support for him and to ask a simple question.
“Doesn’t he look tired?”
or one of several variations on the same principle — “doesn’t he look ill?” “Doesn’t he seem distracted?”
He seeks to undermine our nation’s very system of government — imperfect though it may be — and the trust and faith of the American people in it.
He is doing it intentionally — unlike Nixon, who did it without being aware of what the hell he was doing when he betrayed us.
And his base values virility, stamina, outspokenness, and, of course, all the forms of oppression that human rights are all about opposing.
We don’t want to get into arguments about it — we aren’t here to attack him. We just noticed that ya know, he looks kinda tired.
This is subversion. It is something that someone like me has had to learn just to survive — and I have, as a result, become rather good at it. Not awesome — I tend to rely on truths (he does look tired!) or subjective constructs when capitalizing on my opponents preconceptions and prejudices, whereas the truly amazing are more like Conway and Spicer — capable of spouting laughable lies out as if they were the god’s honest truth.
Subversion is sneaky, and it is not something we can use on those who oppose him — they already see these things, and a good leading question like this will always lead them to its conclusion.
But those who support him all have one major problem. They eat up whisper campaigns. They will whisper about *anything*.
Oh, yeah, that’s what this is called. A Whisper campaign. Look it up. Common tactic — why do you think Benghazi and emails were such a big deal?
What do you think the Russians did?
iDJiT is especially vulnerable to those that appeal to his vanity. While a lot of people see him as pathological in his narcissism, I do not, because in orde to make that adjudication I would need to have him available for consultation and well, that would mean I couldn’t. Because diagnosing someone who is not your patient is unethical.
But his vanity need not be pathological to be useful here — and it is his weakness as surely as his illiteracy and gullibility are such.
He is, then, very much the perfect candidate for this kind of campaign, because it will consume him once it reaches a pitch within his base — and we are just asking the question, after all.
Doesn’t he look tired?
Some will chortle at this, and say things like “watching a little too much BBC, aren’t ya Dyss?” — ignoring a simple fact: this works.
Indeed, it has been employed, for real, using this same thing, in the UK in the past against cabinet ministers.
Not just in “silly little tv shows”.
The key to it is the leading question, as I noted before.
There are other things we can do as well, and chief among them is further our creation of groups — especially Legislative groups, who actively go to the offices and get to know the staffers.
We must put effort in at the local level as well — not just the national one, because, really, there are not enough votes to stop most of the cabinet appointments.
And even if some dems do vote for them, it isn’t that big a deal, since they could *all* not vote them and still lose. It takes 51 votes to kill a nomination for a cabinet post. And odds are it will end up taking 51 votes to kill a Supreme Court nomination, because McConnell wants that seat for his side, despite the seat not really supposed to be about one side or another.
That’s the math — they can slow it, they can hold it up, they can use procedures to keep it from happening a long time — but not four years.
Probably not even two years.
And that means it is up to *us* to make it possible for them to deny this — by electing Democrat senators.
Unless there is a left party in your state that has more registered voters than the Dems, in which case, hey, go for them; but it if not, then leave the federal to the Dems for now, and focus on getting that third, fourth, fifth, and sixth party candidates into office locally to develop a great pool of people that we can turn to starting in 2020.
Because what we are looking at, right now, is *everything*.
The 2018 and 2020 elections are crucial — more important for us now than the 2008 and 2010 ones were for the Regressive Party Elephants.
Those elections determine who gets to draw the districts. They use this last decade to take control of nearly enough states to pass a constitutional amendment without *ever* asking the people. They need only a couple more.
We can do the same thing. We can take control of the States and shut them down and bury these supremacist asswipes so deep they will have to pay long distance rates to call home.
Ok, yeah, that dates me, but, well, eh — you know or will get it eventually.
But we have to be working on it *now* — in small groups in every single precinct in America. It only takes five people in each precinct to change the outcome.
There are more people than that protesting at airports this last weekend.
So we can do it.
You can do it.
And isn’t the future of your children, your grandchildren, your retirement, their ability to have happiness and find love and peace in a tough world worth 20 hours of your time a month?
It should be.
I think you agree that it is, and are, hey, come back! I wasn’t done…
Oh well. You go get them. I have to talk to Patty at my state Senator’s office anyway…
2 comments on “On the Grinding while we Shift the Gears”
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Can you name one Democrat who might run for President?
I can name several, lol. Sanders might run again, Warren is a strong possibility, Booker is already known to be planning it.
My issue is that I don’t find any of them to be the sort that we need to run, which for me is more key.
I don’t think we have found that good candidate that embraces human rights first.
Still have three years to do so, though, lol